
September 29, 2013

Business: Achieving the Three Pillars of Project Management - By Yvonne Nhuta

This is an excerpt of an article on one of the fundamental aspects of managing projects. 

"Tracking the Project:
Generally speaking, project managers will normally find themselves limited by time and money. This leaves the biggest task: making sure that the quality delivered is worthy of the time and money spent on the project. If a project has been planned properly, the project manager will be able to identify when a project might breach its parameters and be able to proactively respond to keep it on track. An effective project plan will consider all the possible ways in which cost and time can be reduced without compromising on the quality of the overall delivery. If all projects are conducted in this manner, a business is sure to increase its bottom-line. "
Limitations of time often means that the planning isn't as robust as a project manager would want it to be. Hence the poor quality end result. Planning requires time, patience, careful analysis of the project data and the ability to isolate problem areas BEFORE they actually become problems then devise an action plan to handle them if they do occur. How do YOU handle the problem of  time limits and managing your projects? I'd be happy to hear from you!!
To read this entire blog go to: Achieving the Three Pillar of Project Management

September 10, 2013

When is a Project Manager not a Project Manager

By Anthony Sherick

"It seems that these days everyone claims to be a project manager. Glancing through the jobs pages of newspapers, you’ll see a wide variety of companies crying out for the skills of experienced project managers. Account managers are being renamed project managers; In fact anyone who can be classed as managing a project is now called a PM. But are these ‘true’ project management roles? We take a look at some of the project management jobs that don’t require the skills of a true project manager."

By Anthony Sherick of Project Manager Jobs ( the dedicated website for jobs in project management.

Good article and very true. This also raises a series of questions, particularly as it relates to the “Subject Matter Expert PM” in this article.

  • ·         What project tools do they go to and rely on to position their projects for success?
  • ·         Which project management artifacts do they create? Do they know which ones to create; when to use them and why?
  • ·         Where do they go to for guidance and administrative support?

We would love to hear your thoughts, stories and comments. Use the Comments Box on the left side of this blog page.